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Press Releases


ATU 615 + SaskFed

ATU and SFL sound Alarm Bells as Saskatoon Transit Fails to Respond to Escalating Violence on Transit System

SASKATOON-SK, April 23, 2024 – The Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) are sounding the alarm bells once again as violence against transit workers escalates out of control. With assaults occurring almost daily, the silence from the City of Saskatoon transit administration is deafening. “Transit agencies just don’t care about frontline workers as it appears they believe that violence is an occupational hazard which is far from the truth,” says Darcy Pederson, President of ATU Local 615.

ATU Canada calls on Hamilton Mayor Andrea Horwath and City Council to Keep Transit Public

TORONTO-ON, April 23, 2024 – ATU Canada calls on Hamilton Mayor Andrea Horwath to do the right thing and vote against privatization of the proposed Hamilton LRT line. Hamilton City Council will be voting on April 24th to adopt a 10-year private public partnership agreement that will see transit operations and maintenance outsourced to a private contractor. HSR has operated the transit system for 150 years and ATU has maintained the transit system for 125 years.

ATU Canada proud to stand together with other Labour Unions endorsing Olivia Chow for Mayor of Toronto.

ATU Canada proud to stand together with other Labour Unions endorsing Olivia Chow for Mayor of Toronto.

ATU Canada calls for immediate inquiry into ongoing Eglinton LRT fiasco: 12 years of construction – no completion date – billions in cost overruns at taxpayers’ expense.


ATU Canada calls for immediate inquiry into ongoing Eglinton LRT fiasco: 12 years of
construction – no completion date – billions in cost overruns at taxpayers’ expense.


ATU Canada endorses CUTA’s call on all levels of government to address violence on Public Transit

TORONTO, April 24, 2023 – ATU Canada is encouraged that the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) shares the same priorities as the ATU which they have outlined in their recent announcement today – calling for all levels of government to deliver on recommendations put forward in a document “Prioritizing Safety on Public Transit”. The full set of recommendations can be viewed here.


Don’t be fooled by what this Ontario Government is selling in this budget announcement. It’s all smoke and mirrors. What they announced may sound good to most people on the surface – but look a little closer you will understand that this budget does nothing for the people of Ontario who are struggling to survive and in need of some relief.