Join ATU Canada!
ATU Canada is a union of transit professionals dedicated to fostering a workplace culture that supports working people while advocating for improvements in public transit across Canada. As the largest transit union in the country, we take pride in setting new standards for workers nationwide—standards that encompass health and safety, wages and working hours, accessibility and education, pensions and benefits, and job security.
We are the transit experts, advocating for critical issues within our industry and in our communities. We believe all workers deserve respect, dignity, and a safe return home at the end of the day. We also believe that residents across Canada should have access to safe, reliable, affordable, and accessible public transit services.
From the shop floor to the bus depots, from British Columbia to Newfoundland, there is a place for you to become a member of ATU Canada.
We recognize how hard you work and believe you deserve fair compensation for keeping Canada moving. We are stronger together than we are alone, which is why we invite you to make your voice heard through the ATU.
We want to hear from you: What are your aspirations for your job? And what changes would need to happen at your workplace for you to recommend it to a loved one?
To find out more about how joining the ATU will further your career in the transit industry, contact Justin Panos at
Confidentiality is guaranteed.