Access the PDF here: ATU Canada Bylaws
As Adopted September 24, 2015 at the Fouding Conference. Amended August 9, 2022.
ATU Canada’s vision is to be the national voice promoting the needs and well-being of all Amalgamated Transit Union members and transit workers across Canada. We seek to represent the interests of our members and to raise our profile and the profile of the industry in which we work, be it public or private. ATU Canada will seek to provide the following functions and services in the pursuit of its vision:
• Legislative policy and political advocacy;
• Strategic Planning;
• Education, training, and transit policy seminars;
• Communications, media and explaining our message to the public;
• Research on transit policy, labour trends, and collective bargaining;
• Internal organizing and member mobilization;
• Coalition building;
• Organizing unrepresented workers
We will keep abreast of our memberships needs through our annual Conference and ongoing communication. The vision of ATU Canada will be carried forward by its Executive Board, staff and affiliated Local Unions.