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ATU Canada proud to stand together with other Labour Unions endorsing Olivia Chow for Mayor of Toronto.

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For Immediate Release:  May 25, 2023

Public and private sector union leaders endorse Olivia Chow for mayor of Toronto
- Statement from ETT, OPSEU/SEFPO, CUPE Ontario, ATU Canada and USW -

TORONTO, ON - As leaders of unions that collectively represent hundreds of thousands of working people across the City of Toronto, we are pleased to announce our joint endorsement of Olivia Chow for the office of the Mayor.

We offer this endorsement as representatives of workers who provide services in both the public and private sectors in Toronto. Public and private sector unions have come together because we know the tremendous challenges facing the next mayor and we share the belief that Olivia Chow is the candidate with the vision to build a Toronto for everyone.

As a former Toronto District School Board Trustee, city councillor and MP, Olivia has the experience, knowledge and determination that will make a difference to our city. She has never stopped caring about and serving the people of Toronto; her compassion and tireless efforts to improve life for people throughout the city make her the best candidate to bring the leadership and vision this city desperately needs.

Public and private sector unions know we need real change and Olivia knows Toronto’s most pressing issues only too well. Crumbling infrastructure, overstretched services, a lack of affordable housing, cuts to transit, homelessness, income inequality, addiction, the cost-of-living crisis, systemic racism, climate change, public safety – these are just some of the challenges a new mayor will have to address.

Olivia Chow has the plan to address these concerns, to build on the strength of our diversity as a city, and to make Toronto a better place to live, work and grow – for everyone, not just for the privileged and powerful. People are at the centre of her policies and the relationships she forges – with all levels of government, community, industry, and people – will ensure that everyone is able to live and prosper in this city, and that no one and no group is left behind.

Olivia has consistently been a champion of strong public services that are well-staffed and publicly delivered, and of the workers who serve our city. But her support extends to everyone, in every corner of Toronto. She understands the challenges faced by people who live and work here, and she is determined to create meaningful change to make this a fair, affordable, liveable city for all.

With her experience, progressive plan, and vision for a better city, Olivia Chow is the right choice to lead Toronto forward.

In solidarity,

Myles Sullivan, Director, District 6, United Steel Workers
JP Hornick, President, OPSEU/SEFPO
Helen Victoros, President, Elementary Teachers of Toronto (ETT)
Fred Hahn, President, CUPE Ontario
John Di Nino, President, Amalgamated Transit Union Canada (ATU Canada)


For more information: Mary Unan, CUPE Communications, 647-390-9839 or  

