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Press Releases



Iveson Announces Money for Infrastructure While Firing Workers

In a quick, almost secret, midnight message, Liberal Infrastructure Minister McKenna and Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson invited media to a transit infrastructure announcement today at 8:30.

Infrastructure and Track Maintenance workers at Alstom join OC Transpo union, ATU local 279 in Ottawa

OTTAWA - Approximately 35 workers who work on the Confederation Line are the newest members of Amalgamated Transit Union local 279 representing workers at OC Transpo, Paratranspo, the Royal Canadian Mint and Alstom. These workers are employees of Alstom Transport Canada and perform infrastructure maintenance and warehouse work on the Confederation line. This work includes guideway maintenance, power technicians, signalling and communications and other duties. They join their colleagues in vehicle maintenance who perform work on the LRT vehicles and are already unionized.

July 1st Should be a Day of Reflection

In recent weeks, the mass unmarked graves of Indigenous children who died at the hands of the violent residential school system that operated for over 100 years, have been found in Kamloops, Brandon, the Marieval Residential School in Saskatchewan and most recently in St Eugen's Mission School in BC's Interior. The search for these graves has been something Indigenous communities have been demanding for a very a long time but is something that most Canadians may be coming to terms with for the first time.

London Transit Union President Calls for More Driver Protection After Multiple Assaults Left One in Hospital

Two London transit operators were assaulted late this morning after two totally unprovoked attacks. The first attack occurred when a driver was transitioning shifts from one bus to another. The assailant jumped up behind the operator and attacked him. The driver is currently in hospital.

Transit Workers with ATU Canada Congratulate Bea Bruske, Siobhan Vipond, Lily Chang and Larry Rousseau on their election to the leadership of the Canadian Labour Congress

The President of Amalgamated Transit Union Canada wants to congratulate UFCW local 832 member Bea Bruske on her election to President of the Canadian Labour Congress.


ATU Canada Proudly Signs on to Letter with Other Unions Calling on Feds to Suspend Arms Trade with Israel

ATU Canada has signed on to a letter along with almost 50 other Canadian labour unions and union locals including the Ontario Federation of Labour, calling on the federal government to immediately suspend bilateral trade of all arms and related materials with the State of Israel.