Press Releases
Sad Day for Windsor Transit Riders — ATU 616 Responds to City Council Vote on Tunnel Service
ATU calls out Windsor Mayor and City Council for Mismanagement of Transit Windsor and Proposed Transit cuts of $1.4 million while ridership has increased 80% in 2023 over previous year and 7% in 2024
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Response to Trudeau Stepping Down
ATU Canada encouraged by federal emergency transit funding announcement but says needs to be permanent
ATU Canada President calls for immediate action from all levels of government, National Task Force amidst series of recent driver assaults
Edmonton On-demand Transit Workers Overwhelmingly Vote to Join ATU Canada
Statement on Opposing Bill 124
Ottawa Transit Union calls on OC Transpo, City of Ottawa to Better Manage Winter Weather
ATU Canada calls on Metrolinx to reverse irresponsible cuts