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Marcel Malboeuf Sholarship Award


This is What Solidarity Looks Like!

International Transport Workers' Federation issues solidarity statement in support of ATU Local 113's looming strike action.

Marcel Malboeuf Scholarship Award



NDP calls out Ontario Government for $500 Million Financial Aid Needed for Transit Operations

ATU Canada applauds the Ontario New Democratic Party for calling out the provincial government and asking for $500 million dollars of financial aid to be moved from the surplus budget to general operating costs to support municipalities and public transit agencies across Ontario.

2023 Winners of Marcel Malboeuf Scholarship

We are pleased to announce that Pankti Bhatt (ATU 113) and Manahil Saeed (ATU 113), are the 2023 recipients of the Marcel Malboeuf Scholarship Award! ATU Canada is pleased to award two individuals this year.


ATU mourns the passing of Ken Foster, First Director of the ATU Canadian Council

The ATU is sad to report the passing of Ken Foster on Friday, May 19, 2023, at the age of 83. Ken was the first Director of the ATU Canadian Council, now ATU Canada.