April 13, 2020
A safety audit conducted by bus operators show that cleaning audits have not been authorized by a supervisor’s signature since March 18th.
Toronto—Bus drivers in St. Thomas are blowing the whistle on unsafe work on the local transit system. On Sunday April 12, union officials with ATU local 1415 conducted an audit on cleaning checklists which are used to confirm buses have been properly disinfected prior to being redeployed. A review of all the cleaning sheets since March 18th show that none have been signed by a supervisor.
“The audit documentation shows that operator compartments have not been cleaned regularly. This is extremely alarming considering the fact supervisory staff has ignored established protocols during this pandemic. This scandalous approach to ensuring driver and passenger is unacceptable,” said Di Nino.
Workers have lost confidence in the employer’s ability to protect operator safety and their passengers alike. Recent safety audits indicate neglect as safety protocols are not being met. Many shelters and terminals were dirty and showed no signs of being cleaned. No appropriate signage was posted to promote social distancing.
“Transit is a critical service to move essential workers in the health and food service sectors. But without full personal protective equipment, enhanced safety protocols, pandemic leave, and an isolated driver compartment, no transit worker should be working. They did not sign up to die,” added the Canadian President.
Media Contact:
John Di Nino
ATU Canada President