ATU Calls for a Renewed Vision for Prairie Intercity Public Transit

WINNIPEG, OCTOBER 31- On the first anniversary of the shutdown of Greyhound Canada services in Western Canada, ATU Canada is calling on the federal government to come forward with a renewed and vibrant vision for intercity public transit. John Di Nino, President ATU Canada, launched the national campaign today in Winnipeg, with support from ATU President John Costa.
“The closure of intercity transit last year tore a hole in the fabric of our country, which has yet to be repaired,” said John DiNino. “People are tired of waiting in isolation- we need to restore intercity transit as part of a Green New Deal as soon as possible.”
Manitoba and Saskatchewan have been hit hard with the closure of Greyhound Canada and the visceral shutdown of the Saskatchewan Transportation Company by the Saskatchewan Party government. Even last year, both provinces rejected offers by the federal government to keep existing operations afloat. Because of the lack of cooperation by different levels of government, seniors, Indigenous peoples, and students are left in the cold waiting for a bus that simply won’t come. ATU Canada is calling on the newly elected federal government to come to the table and work with the affected communities, provinces, municipalities, workers and provinces to rebuild a new intercity transit service for future generations.
“We are very proud of the work that our members did with Greyhound and STC, transporting and providing a lifeline for so many in the prairie provinces,” said Di Nino. “Now, more than ever, we need to invest in low-carbon, public transit that will connect people across this country to their families, communities and vital services.”
ATU Canada is also encouraging individuals and community groups to visit and sign the following pledge to help build up a network of intercity transit supporters:
ATU Canada has also sponsored an audio documentary called Still Waiting for the Bus: The Unnatural Death of Prairie Intercity Transit, made in partnership with Winnipeg-based documentary producer Emily Leedham.
This documentary explores the impacts of losing the Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) and Greyhound bus services in Western Canada. It also challenges the claims that these intercity public transit services are no longer financially feasible to operate. It is available on Soundcloud and YouTube.
Media Contact: Zach Fleisher, ATU 1505 204-299-9224 or