COVID-19 Archive (March - May 19)
Announcing our ATU COVID-19 Command and Response Hotlines! (March 23, 2020)
These hotlines serve as a place rank-and-file ATU members can get more information on the union’s response to COVID-19 and leave messages. If you have questions about your employer’s policies or are seeking assistance to deal with your employer on COVID-19 issues, please contact your Local Union’s Business Agent. Any messages will be followed up on by an ATU organizer or representative as soon as possible.
The hotline number is: 855-641-7946
The email address is:

The ATU takes seriously all threats to our members and the riding public, and stands ready to assist in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. ATU is monitoring the coronavirus and will continue to provide updates to our members. The following resources may be helpful:
Public Health Agencies:
Canadian Public Health Agency Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
World Health Organization - Rolling Updates on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
ATU International Correspondence:
ATU Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), March 5, 2020
UPDATED ATU Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), March 11, 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic impact on North American transit workers, March 18, 2020
International President Costa's Letter to Congress Regarding the Coronavirus Crisis, March 20, 2020
Amalgamated Transit Union Dispatch, March 21, 2020
Amalgamated Transit Union Dispatch, March 28, 2020
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) and Transport Workers' Union (TWU) Joint Statement, April 3, 2020
Amalgamated Transit Union Dispatch, April 3, 2020
ATU Canada Correspondence:
Canada's Transit Union Calls for Federal Payroll Subsidies in Transit Industry, March 17, 2020
ATU Canada's Letter to Ministers regarding COVID-19, March 18, 2020
Current and Revised Federal and Provincial Legislation Update, March 23, 2020
Federal Legislation Update, March 25, 2020
Letter to Ontario Premier – COVID-19 and Windsor Public Transit Closure, March 27, 2020
Transit Law Update -- The Canada Emergency Wage Benefit, April 2, 2020
Provincial Legislation and Premiers Can Protect Transit Workers - Our Demands, April 3, 2020
Alberta - Letter to Province with Demands to Protect Transit Workers during COVID-19, April 3, 2020
Manitoba - Letter to Province with Demands to Protect Transit Workers during COVID-19, April 3, 2020
Newfoundland and Labrador - Letter to Province with Demands to Protect Transit Workers during COVID-19, April 3, 2020
Ontario - Letter to Province with Demands to Protect Transit Workers during COVID-19, April 3, 2020
Quebec - Letter to Province with Demands to Protect Transit Workers during COVID-19, April 3, 2020
ATU Demands Immediate Action from employers to ensure Safe Service, April 13, 2020
2020-10-20 Letter - Transit Coalition to Prime Minister Trudeau
ATU Canada Locals
Local 113 Toronto FAQs and Links
Local 1587 - Letter to Ministry of Health re Regarding PPE, March 24, 2020
Local 616 - Response to Mayor re Transit Windsor Bus Service Shut Down, March 27, 2020
Industry Resources:
Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA): Guidance for the Public Transit Industry
American Public Transit Association (APTA): Transit's Response to COVID-19
UITP: Management of COVID-19: Guidelines for Public Transport Operators