À propos de nous
Mission Statement
Established in 2015, ATU Canada is the strong national voice for the Amalgamated Transit Union in Canada on all issues of Canadian interest including legislation, political, educational, health and safety, cultural and social welfare matters.
- To assist Canadian Local Unions in organizing all unrepresented employees of the various transportation systems and all related industries in Canada.
- To strengthen and support all ATU Locals in Canada.
- To address and respond to the needs and desires of the Canadian Membership of the Amalgamated Transit Union in regards to the objectives of the International Union.
- To work closely with the Canadian Labour Congress, the provincial federations of labour and ATU provincial organizations.
- To work with its Local Unions to defend against attacks on their members’ collective bargaining rights, wages, pensions, job security and other benefits.
Core Values
We are guided in the way we conduct ourselves by our core values of loyalty, teamwork, compassion, credibility and accountability.”