Top News

Articles that should be listed in the Top News section on the main page.

TORONTO July 16, 2020—The Canadian President of the Amalgamated Transit Union, John Di Nino is encouraged by the federal announcement of funding for transit operations as part of the post-pandemic recovery effort. Prime Minister Trudeau’s announcement of operating funding for public transit from the federal and provincial governments can be attributed to a bottom-up push from the working class.
TORONTO June 25, 2020—ATU Canada is calling out Transport Minister, Marc Garneau for failing to respond to the financial crisis faced by intercity transit companies. Canadian President John Di Nino is also calling out Greyhound Canada for an injustice to frontline workers – where they gave workers an ultimatum: either agree to a 15% wage reduction and give up their pension plan – or face a permanent shut down.
June 2, 2020— ATU Canada President, John Di Nino issued a statement regarding the acts of police brutality and anti-black racism in the US and Canada. We echo the chorus of activists and leaders demanding justice, accountability, and change at the mounting deaths of racialized people at the hands of police...continued
By showing their solidarity with the community, transit workers have put public transit on the federal agenda like never before. We are so close to winning historic national investments in public transit that will power our pandemic recovery. In order to win we need thousands of transit workers to stand together and take action! Sign the petition to Finance Minister Bill Morneau from Canadian transit workers urging him to put public transit in the federal budget.
Probe Research surveyed the country to learn the views of the general public, including transit riders. The results provide a clear consensus – 78% of Canadians surveyed support the Federal Government providing $5 billion in emergency funding for public transit services. Also, an astounding 91% agree that governments have a responsibility to ensure people everywhere can access safe, reliable, and affordable public transit.

TORONTO May 12, 2020—Since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, the Federal Government has granted billions of dollars in aid to ensure individuals and businesses survive the financial impacts of the crisis. The government has even bailed out non-essential industries, including Air Canada; yet, they have ignored the transit industry’s repeated calls for emergency relief.

TORONTO May 12, 2020—Since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, the Federal Government has granted billions of dollars in aid to ensure individuals and businesses survive the financial impacts of the crisis. The government has even bailed out non-essential industries, including Air Canada; yet, they have ignored the transit industry’s repeated calls for emergency relief.

ATU Canada is responding to the recent announcement regarding the nation-wide shut down of Greyhound, stating that the Canadian government is responsible for the collapse of intercity buses in Canada, not the COVID-19 virus. Although the intercity bus service is a federally-regulated industry, the government has given the industry the cold shoulder during the pandemic. ATU Canada President, John Di Nino is calling out Liberals for their failure to act definitively to save the service.
TORONTO April 22, 2020—Canada’s largest transit union is demanding that the Trudeau government explain why the Trump administration is doing more for public transit than Canada. “Public transit is in crisis and the Trudeau government is watching it fall apart,” said ATU Canada President John Di Nino. “The government is ignoring that transit systems are moving a million people a day. Many of them are front-line workers. It’s time Justin Trudeau explained to them why Donald Trump is supporting transit more than he is. They deserve better and transit workers who face danger every day deserve better.”