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President of the Amalgamated Transit Union in Canada, John Di Nino, is calling upon the federal and provincial governments to give priority vaccine access to transit workers as the first batches of the COVID-19 vaccines start to be doled out today in Canada. Transit professionals are some of the most vulnerable when it comes to the COVID-19 virus as a result of their interaction with millions of riders per day. The high volume of interaction has led to more than 3500 ATU transit workers being infected in both Canada and the US.

December 1st, 2020

ATU Canada has made submissions to the Standing Committee on General Government advocating for the removal of Schedule 16 and 24 from Bill 213, the Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020.

TORONTO - The federal government gave its Fall Economic Update on Monday, which among other things reiterated its commitment to providing permanent public transit funding, in partnership with the provinces and territories. Though this is a welcome and promising commitment, says the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), there is no concrete indication that the government will continue to provide ongoing operational funding for years to come.

The Amalgamated Transit Union is deeply saddened to hear about the horrific bus accident that took place in Calgary, Alberta on November 26th. At 11 AM, Thursday morning, at 52nd Street and 90th Avenue S.E, a tractor trailer collided with a Calgary Transit bus, seriously injuring the driver along with five other passengers. 

We extend our thoughts and prayers to all those affected by this terrible accident, including the families and co-workers of our injured driver from ATU Local 583 – an employee of Calgary Transit.

OCTOBER 20, 2020 -- Dear Prime Minister: Millions of people from coast to coast are depending on a just recovery for public transit. Over the past several months, our organizations have stood together with other transit industry, municipal government, and labour allies in calling on the Federal Government for emergency operational funding for public transit.
September 23, 2020—Governor General’s Throne Speech does not go far enough in supporting the kind of mass public transit that Canadians need and want to see during the economic recovery from COVID-19.
TORONTO August 17, 2020—Amalgamated Transit Union Canada, President, John Di Nino is calling out the Liberal Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for refusing to accept the province’s share of federal funding for transit operations as part of the Safe Restart Agreement.
TORONTO August 10, 2020—Amalgamated Transit Union Canada, President John Di Nino is calling out New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs for misleading New Brunswickers about the Federal Government’s funding program that could help struggling transit operations recover from devastating financial losses due to COVID-19.
TORONTO July 29, 2020—Amalgamated Transit Union Canada, President, John Di Nino is calling out New Brunswick Premier, Blaine Higgs and Minister of Transportation, Bill Oliver for refusing to accept and match federal funding to help struggling transit agencies recover from the financial impact of COVID-19.
TORONTO July 27, 2020—Amalgamated Transit Union Canada, President, John Di Nino applauds the Ford Government in Ontario for their successful negotiations with all levels of government to achieve a historic transit funding agreement.