Marcel Malboeuf Scholarship Recipients Announced!

ATU Canada extends our congratulations to the 2019 recipients of the inaugural Marcel Malboeuf scholarship! Today, September 13, would have been Marcel’s birthday. Marcel was a member of Ottawa Local 279, a true unionist, and a friend to all—this award honours his lifelong commitment to the goals of worker democracy, social justice, equality, and peace.
It is with the utmost respect and admiration for Marcel’s commitment, that we announce the award winners for 2019:
Adriana Castro (Local 987 Lethbridge)

In high school, Adriana was an honor student whose leadership rejuvenated her high school’s GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance). With her help, she led the club to be more active in her community while also increasing membership astronomically. Currently, she is attending University of British Columbia to pursue an undergraduate degree in Engineering where she will further impact the world.
Priya Basra (Local 1505 Winnipeg)

In high school I was Vice President of our student council in grade 11 and President the following year, and I plan to continue being involved in student council in university. This September, I am beginning my secondary education at York University, majoring in Law and Society. After I graduate with this honours degree I hope to go to law school to become an international/human rights lawyer.
Andrew Daigle (Local 1505 Winnipeg)

I graduated from Fort Richmond Collegiate and now attend the Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba. One of my favourite hobbies is working out and staying active, which includes playing in a basketball league as well as on my school's Handball team. Another passion of mine is school and my education, which I have been very dedicated towards my entire life, and hope to continue this focus on my education as my life at university begins. I plan on graduating from university with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree, and along with getting my degree I plan on taking my actuarial exams while I am in school to become a certified actuary while I continue with my studies and work on my degree.
Thank you to everyone who submitted their name for consideration. We received many strong applications and we would like to acknowledge the dedication and leadership of all the applicants.
All the best with your studies!